End of photo exhibition ” Iranian woman narrated by Iranian woman”

End of photo exhibition

“Iranian woman narrated by Iranian woman” exhibition was Finished in Modica, Italy.

-The exhibition came to an end with all the hardships it had for us. It’s definitely hard for you to imagine. But the result was a worthwhile step for a worthwhile, independent event. I speak more with emerging and future artists. Now, wherever you are in the world, you can say that you have participated in an important exhibition in Italy and it’s been very welcomed. You can send Its news links to your friends, share videos with others And say, “It was worth it!”. Maybe someday Wowart won’t continue working,  So I have decided to issue to you a certificate from a reputable international cultural foundation to preserve its historical value. You have participated in an exhibition where the works have been evaluated and judged in two stages, You participated in an exhibition where the work was evaluated and judged in two stages, for which extensive print advertising was carried out and critics and featured artists have written about it and cataloged it. The extensive news coverage of the exhibition in Italian news agencies known as “DONNA IRANIANA RACCONTA DONNA IRANIANA” has been a sign of its success. You can find a lot of news by searching for the same title In the next note, which will be published on the website, Links to this news that have been published in reputable online media will be Inserted.

Woart has been able to meet the obligations stated in the recall benefits. Based on the Garibaldi Gallery’s work procedure, Certificates of attendance will also be issued and sent within this week (working week in Italy). The artists will be paid the cost of their works –minus the charge that the intermediary company received for transferring the money to Iran – during this week.

The fate of the works

As previously has been mentioned in the Exhibition Questions and Answers section  WoArt is responsible for deciding on the works not to be sold at the exhibition  and  they will be used solely for non-economic purposes That means, it has no right to sell them. Among the works, 5 photos have been donated to the Garibaldi Gallery To keep the good memory of this exhibition alive in memory. a work has been donated to the gallery manager, And for the rest of the works, appropriate decisions will be made.

Exhibition catalog

Due to the integration of received works in the first and second calls, The catalog have involved works of the participants. That’s why there was some delay in setting up and sending it. It will be sent out to all participating artists by September 23rd.

  • At the end, thank you to all the artists who accompanied us.
  • Best regard, Aliasghar Kalantar.
  • September 27th.2019

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