Opening of the exhibition ” iranian woman narrated by iranian woman”: Beauty Narrative

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Opening of the second exhibition

The second exhibition of “Iranian woman narrated by Iranian woman” has been opened, by providing prominent works From Iranian female artists.

in the second call exhibition of “iranian woman narrated by Iranian woman” With the theme of “Beauty Narrative”, 74 works in the initial evaluation has been accepted by the curator, and according to the specified instruction,that works has been Recorded by artists on the Arbitration System. Then in the final selection of works Which has done by rating the Exhibition referees, 29 works of 23 artists have got the points needed to attend the exhibition. Also the woart Group`s main criterion for selecting these works was their quality rather than quantity.

Due to the limited number of accepted works in the second call, woart has  decided to Use these terms which provide an opportunity inorder to see more works that submitted at the first exhibition. Thus, with gallery approval, the second exhibit was welcomed audiences and visitors by presenting 170 valuable works in 25th august 2019.

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